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Positive  Corporations

For centuries, a significant portion of planetary affairs and initiatives within the special access programs has been largely influenced by the worldwide military contractors that have existed on a largely covert level throughout history. The individual interests of each of these corporations can vary widely, but here we will be exploring in detail some of the key organizations impacting planetary affairs today. In addition, we will also go into detail regarding which corporations harbor negative agendas for the planet, and which ones have a largely positive influence seeking to assist humanity. However, it is important to keep in mind that even the organizations that are labelled as “positive” have been involved in at least some questionable activities that may be deemed as a “necessary evil”. On the other hand, organizations involved in mostly negative activities could be seen to take part in agendas of a more positive leaning. Therefore, some of these corporations could fall within a grey area where they could have mixed intentions depending on the context, however for the purpose of simplicity, we will attempt to categorize each of these organizations accordingly.

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Kruger: The Kruger Mercenary Corporation was established in our timeline in 1815 after the Napoleonic wars. The organization was founded by former Nazi, Gabriel Kruger, who was originally from the year 1815 before he time travelled forward in time to the 1920s to connect with his descendents in Germany prior to World War II. Kruger specializes in building and using physical augments that gives personnel highly enhanced abilities such as greater speed, agility, strength, etc. Kruger augments are commonly used by special operatives called “Runners” who specialize in parkour and acrobatics, and have extraordinary speed and stamina. They are typically deployed on espionage and sabotage missions where their incredible speed allows them to infiltrate facilities, steal intelligence, and sabotage key targets extremely effectively. Kruger’s augments have also been applied extensively for injured and handicapped individuals and has gone a long way in improving quality of life for certain individuals. The first miniaturized augments were developed in 1922 after World War I and then went into mass production in 1946 and are still in heavy use today. Today Kruger is a military contractor largely aligned with supporting a positive agenda. The Kruger group made an appearance within the Mirror’s Edge video game series where both Gabriel Kruger and Faith Connors are featured as prominent characters, both of which are based on real operatives within Kruger.

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Cyberlife: Cyberlife was established in 1650, just a few years after the end of the 30 years’ war in Europe and was soft disclosed in the video game “Detroit: Become Human”. They specialize in the production of artificial human robots called androids, who are built with the purpose and intention of serving humanity and to help assist humans in improving their physical, mental abilities and quality of life. The ACIO has had extensive positive experiences with Cyberlife androids and have found them to be very kind, helpful, and pleasant. The first versions of Cyberlife’s android models were released in 1815. However it was not until over 100 years later that these enhanced androids went into mass production in 1921. It is also reported by the ACIO that the current generation of androids in operation were based on technology recovered from the Roswell space crash in New Mexico in 1947 which then went into production in 1949.



​Shoreline is the second oldest organization on the list as they have been mentioned throughout history in ancient texts up to 5000 years old. They specialize in extracting information and knowledge from any sort of media, individual, or species. This is done by using non-matter energetic fields to perform an astral integration and intelligent data absorption to extract data of interest. Shoreline often collaborates with super soldiers in certain programs to share these resources in order to protect some of the most valuable information on the planet. Soft disclosure references to the Shoreline group can be seen in the “Uncharted” video game series.


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Trinity was formed relatively recently in 1881 with the focus of recovering ancient technologies across the globe and repairing them into an operational state. Trinity has personnel across the globe who are trained to infiltrate archeological research teams to gather intelligence from these artifacts and technologies left behind on earth. One of Trinity’s main initiatives is to stabilize the corrupted electromagnetic field in the solar system using some of the ancient technologies that exist. Trinity is prominently featured in the video game “Rise of the Tomb Raider” as a soft disclosure reference.

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Delphi was founded in 1918 by Peter Mason as a response to the heavy use of poison gas and chemical warfare during the 1st world war. This is where the term “weapons of mass destruction” was originally formed. Mason believed that there was another more positive way to utilize gases. His intention was to engineer gas mixtures that would help heal psychiatric patients. After some surprising early success, the organization progressed towards developing gases that accelerate healing and recovery for corrective surgery patients who’ve received heavy physical abnormalities either from birth or from injuries sustained during the war. It was also used to assist certain cancer patients as well in some cases in addition to helping Spanish Flu patients fully recover. This was made possible through selective breeding of natural plants based on heritage. The earliest engineered scents and aromas came from a specific type of Rose and this was achieved in 1920. Since then, they developed many helpful products such as treatments for survivors of Chernobyl and Fukushima with excellent results. Healing treatments through gases and aromas are very underemphasized in mainstream medicine but this is an area that Delphi made massive strides in ahead of the rest of the world. However it is important to keep in mind that Delphi was initially classified as a more negative leaning organization due to their harsh and extreme MILAB experimentation when testing their aroma and gas treatments. Many did suffer as a result, however Delphi did eventually apply their research and products to positive and benevolent medical applications. The Delphi group was initially disclosed in the video game “Erica”.

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The Typhon Group AG is a German based corporation originating from an alternate reality where the Nazi’s and the Axis powers won World War II and then went on to operate on a positive timeline. This alternate “Axis dominant” timeline was initially alluded to here in a previous article. The Typhon group is most well known for deploying technology and operations geared towards controlling and manipulating weather and climate. The corporation was first soft disclosed in the video game “Life is Strange: True Colors” where Typhon was portrayed as a mining company based in Colorado that acted as the antagonistic group within the story.


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