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My Services

Here you will find classes to begin journaling your dreams, up to learning to decipher your dreams in future classes.  You may have a dream or a combination of dreams that are similar and you would like to know what they mean.  Perhaps you need a consultation for someone to listen to what you have to say so you can clear your mind. Maybe even get answers from the Universe to assist you.  


Because of the Beings we encounter in the astral, especially in the lower fourth dimension, we need to know who they are and how to get rid of them.  Knowing their name or what they are is instrumental in breaking ties with them.  We want to help you to the point that you can help your loved ones and Humanity...Because the fight is ongoing...

Understanding My Services


Dream Journaling Class

My Dream -- July 21, 2023 @0450 Hours

I saw a cartoon character like from the Biblical times.  He was holding a scroll with both his hands, which he then held up towards me.  Then he turned and ran.  I was in the 2D, which is a place you never want to find yourself.  So when I awoke I immediately broke ties.  The scroll got me though, because it was something of a biblical nature that would or was occurring.  This was a vision of an Apocalypse agenda trying to come through to our reality.  I have had these before and 'they' keep trying to bring in this agenda.  I broke ties with this and reversed this reality.  If you have dreams or visions of horsemen, scrolls, biblical scenes, or even the world burning like hellfire, make sure to decipher it properly with the details that are shown to you.  This is not a reality we want so, break ties, cancel and/or reverse that agenda/program...

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Dream Interpretation

Young client -- February 9, 2022 @0539

January 31, 2022

I just wanted to text you this now before I forget. As I was trying to fall asleep I heard people talking. It was multiple people talking and it felt like I was tuning into a conversation. Out of nowhere a women shouts "Sniper" and I hear the sound of a gunshot. A minute later, I heard another sound but different from the wasn't a gunshot.  It was a bomb and the sound of it exploding woke me up.  I explained to my client that she had tapped into a parallel reality where this event happened or was happening and she needed to break ties with this reality and bring herself back.  This is what we did together.

     I spoke with my Seer thereafter and she confirmed that my client was hearing from a parallel universe. In this parallel, there was a sniper that shot and a bomb exploded. Other intuitive people heard this sniper and had contacted her about it recently. 

Hands Holding Beads

Revocations & Protections Class

By using Revocations & Protections you start to open your world to the expanse of the Unseen World. This includes, the past, present and future, all dimensions and all realities. By speaking these Revocations & Protections into the Universe through intent and visualization, you can reverse damage, trauma and bad decisions you made in past and present lives, especially if they hurt or damaged any innocents. This is also known as Karmic Debt. You can remove negative entities, energies and beings from your plane of existence. You will also unlock your ability to crossover disembodied souls (Ghosts) so they can continue on their path to evolve their souls. This class consists of Mantras of Revocations and Protections. Mantras to clear your space and your home. Mantras to remember your dreams, remove implants, heal yourself, reverse anything you have ingested and recall your energy and more.

Oracle Consultation - Reading


What Is An Oracle

Often overlooked, is the Oracle.  An Oracle is a person who channels Divine Messages and often without knowing they are channeling. They will tell you what you need to know to help you the way The Divine believes you need help. They are a Spiritual Guide that will take you on a journey that you may not even realize you are on or needed. While a psychic will answer your questions, an Oracle may give you channeled guidance and tell you what you need to hear to get you on your Divine path. The Oracle allows the Divine to speak through them and this message is given to you and you only.  An Oracle is someone who doesn't always have the specific answer you are looking for, but gives guidance when needed. But what later comes to pass may not be seen as a product of the Oracle.  But if you look back at your acceptance of that guidance, you will know, that was when things changed... 

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