This is a new section that I added to my monthly newsletter, October 11, 2023. Here I will write about my visions that affect Humanity. Many of you are seeing what I see or parts of what I see. Collectively we can clear and put a stop to what is happening to our world. Please email me if you have something to add that you have seen that we can clear together, as the, “One Consciousness.”
1. If you are seeing the "Four Horses of the Apocalypse," this is an agenda they are trying to bring in and you must clear this for Humanity. I have seen the White Horse, who represents the coming of the Apocalypse. This Horse was running fast and when an obstacle was placed in his way, he jumped away and then continued back on his path. I have also seen the Black Horse which represents Famine. I have seen this one several times and the main vision was this Horse was in a corral just trying to get out or be released. I have seen visions of books, tablets and a tarot card with the four stages. This agenda, because of it’s religious connotations, is being pushed hard and we have to push back harder.
2. They are "Digging Up Ancient Burial Tombs" and through their ignorance these scientists are releasing these energies into our world. When you see Incas, Aztecs and Egyptian mummies, you must remove them, break ties and send them back or have your guides help you. These are all negative energies that are riding the waves and attaching to people. If you see or feel them, focus and get rid of them immediately. They are reeking havoc in our plane of existence.
3.They are digging up "Vampires" also. I have seem them standing around a hole in the ground with digging tools. The hole was very deep and I could not see into it. I was blocked but I did find out with the help of Jessica Marrocco, they were Vampires and they are being released in our world. You must clear them, send them back and close up these portals. More energy drainers.
4.There is also a "Zombie Apocalypse" that has been released. I have seen portals opening up and these zombies coming into our world. Their faces are monstrous and they are screaming and angry. You must send them back, close the portals and stress that you do not consent to this reality for Humanity.