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Monthly Newsletter
Truth Revealed
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These Images will be inclusive of pictures and images from many areas and subjects. There is no telling what you may find here. But you will find is knowledge and hopefully, understanding more of how our world actually is. Many things that started out good have been reversed and are now considered as bad, negative and unreal.

Shooting a video of demonstration


This section consists of many different kinds of videos and video clips.  They are also from different sources and sometimes we have to screen record to bring you the information. Continue to check back from time to time for newly added videos.

Stack of Books


Here you will find books on the Bible, Occultism, Spirituality, Existence and many more. We will be constantly adding to this resource.  So please check back from time to time.

Stack of Files

Resource Doc's and Papers

This resource consists of government papers and documents on hidden programs and mind control mechanisms. This will be constantly updated and added to also.


Biblical Books

Here you will find different books of or were removed from the Bible. Such as:  OAHSPE, the Kolbrin, the Book of Jasper and many more. We will be constantly adding to this resource.  So please check back from time to time.


The Esscenes

The Essenes were a Mystical Sect during the Biblical times. You have heard of the Pharisees (Zealots) or the Sadducees but to learn more about the Essenes you will have to research this community. Nothing was known about them until the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered.  Josephus spoke of them and it is alleged that Yeshua lived with them before the time of his Earth Mission. This will be updated and added to also. 

Follow us to See the Aspects of Our World that is Hidden - Astral Beings, Paranormal, Signs, Symbology & Super Soldier Programs.  All Hidden in Plain Sight that is...

In this Bolg we cover many subjects of the Secret Space Program, Spiritual Entities & Energies and the information about it, is straight forward.  It may be information you already know, heard rumors of and up to what you may believe to be fictional. That which is posted on is our information and it has been either researched, experienced or both. 

©2023 by PwrladySSLT

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